Transaction Status Pending Or Failed


This means the transaction has not gone through. The money was never transferred.

This is usually due to either the issuer (Visa, Mastercard, FPX, Bank, e-Wallet provider) having rejected the transaction or the customer having put the transaction on hold.

From the issuers end it could be due to a lack of sufficient funds or limit settings.

From the customers end, this could mean they clicked the pay now button but then closed the window or got disconnected from the internet. Or if using FPX corporate this could mean the payment has been raised but hasn’t yet been approved by the authoriser of the bank account.

Once the situation is rectified by either the issuer or the customer the transaction status will be updated to paid or failed.


There are many reasons why a transaction may appear as FAILED.

In all cases we advise you to contact your customer directly for more information about the failed transaction.

SwiF is not responsible for issues related to approvals with your bank and/or your customer’s bank.

These are just a few possible scenarios:

  • Cancelled or expired card
  • Insufficient funds
  • Spotty internet connection
  • Exceeding the single charge limit
  • Invalid billing address 
  • Signature validation failed or incorrect OTP or password 
  • Account closed or suspended
  • Card Security Code Failed
  • Invalid Amount
  • Transaction Limit Exceeded
  • Bank safety reason – to avoid fraud
  • 3D secure authentication failure
  • Bank Downtime/ Maintenance Issues

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