List Of Prohibited Products

The following types of businesses practices are not permitted to become registered merchants with SwiF and Syntrino Solutions (“Prohibited Businesses”). It is prohibited to utilise the service offered by SwiF and Syntrino Solutions for any of the following transactions, engagements, or sales of goods/services:

  1. Illegal political audio-visual products and publications
  2. Illegal reactionary cards and program channels
  3. State secret documentations and information, etc.
  4. Pornographic and vulgar audio-visual products/publications
  5. Pornographic and vulgar erotic services
  6. Pornographic and vulgar cards and program channels
  7. Gambling tools
  8. Private lottery
  9. Gambling
  10. Narcotics
  11. Narcotic-taking tools
  12. Weapons of all types, (including military weapons/firearms and accessories), simulation weapons, ammunitions and explosive
  13. Controlled instruments (such as dagger) which would potentially be used as an assaulting weapon
  14. Illegally obtained proceeds or properties as a result of crime
  15. Poisonous articles and hazardous chemicals
  16. Anesthetic and psychotropic medicine
  17. Any service or device which provide fetal gender analysis
  18. Adult drugs (aphrodisiac)
  19. Credit card cashing service
  20. Foreign-related matchmaking service
  21. Hacking-related
  22. Malware
  23. Certificate issuing and stamp carving
  24. Crowd funding websites
  25. ID card information and other information which infringed others’ privacy
  26. Spying instruments
  27. Other personal privacy-harming articles or services
  28. Pyramid selling
  29. Lottery ticket
  30. Gold futures
  31. Counterfeit currency
  32. Sale of bank account or bank card in contravention with applicable laws
  33. Stock
  34. Fund
  35. Periodical investment of gold
  36. Securities
  37. Illegal fund-raising
  38. Foreign exchange services
  39. Virtual currency in foreign accounts
  40. Bitcoin, Litecoin, YbCoin and other crypto currency transactions
  41. Satellite antenna, etc.
  42. Archaeological and cultural relics
  43. Forged and fake food produce
  44. Fireworks and firecrackers
  45. Crude oil
  46. Human organs
  47. Surrogacy services
  48. Examination services (i.e. defraud by assuming another identity to participate in academic examination)
  49. National protected animals
  50. National protected plants
  51. Smuggled articles
  52. Any goods which are not officially endorsed by the event organizer or infringes third party intellectual properties
  53. Auction
  54. Pawn
  55. Lucky draw
  56. Any animals, plants or products which contain dangerous germs, pests or any othe living creature

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